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Japanese Masked Angelfish

Additional names

Japanese Masked Angelfish, Masked Angelfish


Eastern Central Pacific: endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Have recently been reported from Midway Islands


Sexes exhibit different coloration. Male pearly white with anterior portion of the head, from the snout to just behind the eye, yellow orange; anterior half of the caudal fin black; dorsal and anal fins white with a broad orange band distally; the pectoral and pelvic fins orange. Female pearly white with anterior portion of the head, from the snout to just behind the eye black or gray; anterior half of the caudal fin also black; distal portion of pelvic fins orange.

Tank compatibility




Feeding regime


Environment Specifics

Reef tank


Mixes well


Male pearly white with anterior portion of the head, from the snout to just behind the eye, yellow orange; anterior half of the caudal fin black; dorsal and anal fins white with a broad orange band distally; the pectoral and pelvic fins orange. Female pearly white with anterior portion of the head, from the snout to just behind the eye black or gray; anterior half of the caudal fin also black; distal portion of pelvic fins orange.

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