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Coral Beauty

Additional names

Coral Beauty, Twospined Angelfish, Dusky Angelfish

Additional scientific names

Holacanthus bispinosus, Centropyge bispinosus

Tank compatibility

Not reef compatible, will nip at corals. The least aggressive of the Angelfish species, but will fight if there's not enough space.


Will eat prepared small dry fish food pellets. Enjoys frozen prepared foods- brine shrimp and small mysis bits, but will also pick at tank algaes on its own and sometimes corals. Doesn't pick at my small invertebrates (hermits doing the reef janitorials).

Feeding regime

Minimum once every second day. Then he is very willing, as are the others. Otherwise feed them twice a day, lightly in the morning and evening.


Somewhat territorial, aggressive to other Angels of similar size, only 1 to a tank. Otherwise somewhat shy and likes lots of reef hiding places. Coral Beauty also swims at every level of the tank- top to bottom.

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