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Blacktail Angelfish

Additional names

Blacktail Angelfish, Eibli Angel, Red Stripe Angel, Orangelined Angelfish, Eibli's Dwarf Angel, Eibl's Angel


Sri Lanka to Indo-Malayan region


There are no visual differences between male and females.

Tank compatibility

It is best to keep only one Angelfish to a tank, they can be territorial towards one another. They are otherwise generally peaceful towards other tank mates. May nip at soft corals, invertebrates and clams.


An omnivore, will take mysis shrimp, marine algae and spirulina as well as other meaty foods.

Feeding regime

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment Specifics

They do best in large mature saltwater set ups with plenty of live rock in which to hide and graze.


A generally docile dwarf Angelfish, may be territorial towards other Angels.


Typical Angelfish shape. Pale body colour with narrow orange-brown vertical stripes from the dorsal fin, down the flanks, to the anal fin. The caudal fin and end of the dorsal fin are black, the caudal has a submarginal narrow whitish blue band.. The anal, pelvic and pectoral fins are tinted with yellow. This angel can hybridise with the Centropyge vrolikii.

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