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Japanese Angelfish

Additional names

Japanese Angelfish, Japanese Pygmy Angelfish

Additional scientific names

Angelichthys interruptus, Centropyge interruptus


Found in the Pacific Ocean concentrated around southern and central Japan and the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (Midway and Kure).


Females will have blue speckling across their whole body, males just on the face.
In 1978 Moyer and Nakazono showed Centropyge interruptus to be a protogynous hermaphrodite - in other words, they enter the world without a sex. As they mature, they first take on the female sex organs. Similar to other protogynous hermaphrodites, the male is the result of a dominant female that has undergone a sex change due largely to a male that has either died or disappeared in some manner.

Tank compatibility

As with many Dwarf Angels, the Japanese Angel is best kept the only Angel to a tank unless the tank is very large over 757.1 Litres (200 US G.). They should not bother smaller more peaceful fish.


Mainly grazes on algae, may also accept spirulina.


Typical oval Angelfish shape, the body is bright orange in base colour with neon blue speckles and a yellow caudal fin.

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