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Rock Beauty

Additional names

Rock Beauty, Rock Beauty Angelfish, Yellow Nanny

Additional scientific names

Chaetodon tricolor, Pomacanthus tricolor

Tank compatibility

This fish is best kept as the only Angelfish in a tank as it can be territorial towards con-specifics. It is not reef safe as it will nip at corals. Very young fish may try and feed on tank mate's slime coats.


Difficult to feed in captivity, it mainly grazes on sponges in the wild. Feed vegetable matter such as spirulina and seaweed as well as finely chopped meaty foods. Also available are specialised Angelfish prepared foods containing sponges, these are recommended.

Feeding regime

Feed two to three times a day.

Environment Specifics

Requires a very large mature tank with a large amount of live rock and hiding places.


A semi-aggressive Angelfish that may be territorial towards other Angelfish species.


The Rock Beauty Angelfish has a body that is predominately black especially on the back half, as an adult. The head and front half portion of the body and the caudal fin are a bright yellow. The eyes have striking sapphire-blue accents. Similar in appearance, the juvenile initially has a predominately yellow body with a large caudal black spot that just seems to enlarge, overwhelming, the yellow colouration with the exception of head, body area just behind the head, and the caudal fin.

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